Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Podcasts I Listen To

I host a new podcast called Te@cher Tech T@lk through www.edreach.us with edtech colleagues and friends Tammy Lind & Judi Epcke.  Between our bi-weekly regular shows, we are each doing a very short 5-10 min podcast around a specific topic.  We're calling these "Tidbit" episodes.  On our first Te@cher Tech T@lk TIDBIT podcast, I did a little 'mini-lesson' on what exactly IS a podcast and how does one consume a podcast?  That term gets thrown around a lot but I still get questions from people related to, "what is a podcast?"  Click the link above to get a listen to a short synopsis on what a podcast is!  I'll wait...

...done?  Good.  So, now that you know a podcast can be audio or video one consumes, I wanted to share some podcasts that I listen to.  I should preface this also by saying that I work in technology so a lot of the podcasts I listen to have to do with technology.  But, I'll also share some podcasts I listen to for fun as well (though those are pretty geeky too).  That's the beauty of podcasts -- there is more than likely something out there that will interest you.  You just have to search and find it.  Favorite TV show you like? Chances are someone does a podcast about it.  Like gardening? I'm sure you can find a podcast with tips for gardeners.  Enjoy listening to authors talk about their books?  Probably something out there for you.  

I should also share that I don't necessarily listen to all episodes of the podcasts I've chosen to spotlight below. I occasionally skip them depending on life...and that's okay. I share that because I don't want people to think that if you start listening to a podcast you always have to catch every episode. That's the beauty of podcasts.  Dip in when you want.  I also have a 35-40 minute commute to work so that lends itself to having some time to kill.  During the summer, if I'm cutting the grass, I'll listen to a podcast.  During the winter, if I have to shovel...podcast.  Clean the house...podcast.  Plenty of time when I'm doing "mindless" work where I can multitask and listen to something.  So here goes...podcasts I listen to...


This Week in Google (iTunes Audio | iTunes Video | YouTube Channel) - Part of the TWiT (This Week in Tech) network.  My new favorite part of this show is the “Google Change Log” where they share what’s new from Google in terms of updates, releases, etc.  The group that leads this discussion also talks about legal, social and political implications related to web based tools and Google.  They release their shows in both audio and video formats on iTunes and YouTube.

All About Android (iTunes Audio | iTunes Video | YouTube Channel) - Part of the TWiT network.  This is a new listen for me.  This is a show all about the Android platform.  The group shares the latest news and updates.  They also share a new app they are using and ways to use it. They release their shows in both audio and video formats on iTunes and YouTube.

MacBreak Weekly (iTunes Audio | iTunes Video | YouTube Channel) - Part of the TWiT network.  This was one of the very first podcasts I listened to. This show focuses specifically on Apple/Mac related news.  The panel is very knowledgeable when it comes to technology and would be a good listen for those interested in the ‘super geeky.’  They release their shows in both audio and video formats on iTunes and YouTube.


Mobile Reach (iTunes) - Part of the EdReach network. Some super tech knowledgeable friends of mine now host the show and share out uses for mobile devices in the education and the classroom. They share apps, uses, tricks, tips.  Good conversation to listen to.

Google Educast (iTunes | YouTube Channel) - Part of the EdReach network.  Some Google Certified Teachers & Trainers talk new news related to Google and how it impacts education. This is a weekly listen for me as I get a lot of good tips for using Google tools from this group.  They also do this as a “Google Hangout on Air” which means it saves to the YouTube Channel if you would rather watch the show than listen.

EdListen (iTunes) - This is a new listen for me. Fellow Google Certified Trainer, Bjorn Behrendt, puts out this audio only podcasts where he sits down with usually one other person to talk about topics related to education.  Recent topics have centered around Moodle, using Google in education, productivity with Calendars and other tools.  I’ve been enjoying listening to this.


Nerdist (iTunes) - “Nerdist is a place where we nerds come together and share the nerdery that we find.” Chris Hardwick is a TV personality who puts out this audio podcast where he interviews actors, comedians, and the like.  I really enjoy the one-on-one conversations and the people he brings in.  Probably because I’m a geek. I don’t listen to ALL shows, but he puts them out fast enough that I usually find a name of someone I’d like to hear speak so I listen to THAT show.

Tuesdays with Aaron (iTunes)) - Aaron as in THE Aaron. Aaron Rodgers.  This is a weekly radio show that ESPN Milwaukee does that they also put out as a podcast.  Jason Wilde, a sports writer, does a one-on-one chat with Aaron each Tuesday during the Football season.  They discuss the previous game and look ahead to the next opponent.  I really appreciate how the conversation is very candid and sometimes gets into the hard questions.  Wilde also takes questions from fans which leads to some good conversation.  

You Look Nice Today (iTunes) - This podcast comes out NOT very often.  This is a group of three guys that sarcastically take topics and spin them out to absurd ideas.  I can’t really even describe the premise for the show as each show is it’s own thing. Their tagline is “a journal of emotional hygiene.”  I appreciate their ‘schtick’ and high brow humor.  Their shows are very few and far between lately.  

WTF with Marc Maron (iTunes) - If you don’t know what “WTF” stands for, don’t listen to this show. Marc Maron is a comedian that started his own podcast. He does one-on-one interviews with mostly comedians and actors.  He swears.  A lot.  Tagged “explicit” because of that.  This is another one I don’t listen to every show but occasionally catch a name I want to hear in a conversation.  

iFanboy (iTunes) - Alright. Confession time. I'm a geek. I know...I know...you didn't know this far into the post that I like geeky things.  I used to collect comic books; not so much anymore. The guys that do this show do it weekly and share out what's new in the world of comics. They also do movie reviews of comic-related movies when they come out which I enjoy. This is one that I find myself occasionally listening to just to hear what's new in the world of comics.  They do a great job.  

Word Balloon (iTunes)  - This is another comic related podcast.  John Siuntres, who's a radio personality in Chicago, does this interview podcast where he talks one-on-one with writers, artists and creators. I really enjoy conversation shows like this to find out what a creator goes through during the creation process.  This is another that I catch every so often when I recognize a name of a creator he is interviewing.

So there you have it.  Those are the podcasts I listen to. 

I highly recommend checking a podcast out. Find something that interests you. If you find it in iTunes, just click SUBSCRIBE and listen to a few episodes to see what you think. If you have an iPhone or iPad, use the PODCASTS app to download some podcasts.  If you have Android, check out Pocket Casts or if you have a Galaxy S3, you can use the KiesCast app that comes with the phone.  All different ways to get the media on to your device and if you can't figure out a way to do it...Google it. :)   Thanks for reading.

(Please share in the comments what podcasts you listen to! I'm always looking for new ones to try out!)


  1. Two of my favorites are the Techlandia podcast and The Nerdy Cast. You can find both on iTunes. They are highly entertaining!

    1. Awesome - thanks for sharing, Lori! I'l have to check those out.

  2. Nerdist is the best! It's literally the perfect podcast for a huge nerd like myself :) (I suppose that's obvious given its name, eh?)

    Sarah, All Things Podcast
